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  • Writer's pictureS Smith

Engaged? Are you considering premarital counseling or are you just going to wing it?

Updated: Jan 16

Newly engaged or married? Congratulations on finding love and taking such a big step. Did you know that premarital counseling has been shown to reduce the chance of divorce by 50 percent? Studies also show that the best time to prepare is when you are excited about the future. Premarital sessions support you in learning the essential tools for building a rock-solid foundation for your marriage and preparing for the uncertainties that life can bring.

Newlywed Couple

Protect Your Marriage Right From the Start

As an award-winning Officiant in New York City, I have officiated more than 3,000 ceremonies over the past 14 years and I have seen many marriages end due to a communication breakdown, and often what I observe to be a symptom of our current "cancel culture". Many couples give up on their relationship right when they have the opportunity to learn more about each other and deepen their connection as they work through the challenges together. Marriage requires attention just like anything worth building, and when you have the necessary skills to prepare for the tough times, you have a better chance at coming out on the other end successfully. Pre-Marital Counseling/Coaching is an invaluable tool to support your relationship success before issues arise, and it has also been proven to increase your overall happiness in your partnership. Imagine how empowering that would be.

Newly married couple on the beach
Newlywed Couple

Do you need to be religious to receive Premarital counseling support?

In today's world, many couples do not practice a faith or may come from different faiths and cultural backgrounds altogether. There are programs such as Prepare/Enrich and SYMBIS, of which I am certified, that offer counseling sessions for couples looking for a non-religious approach. As a pre-marital counselor, I began to notice the biggest challenge facing my clients was carving out time in their busy schedules to book their sessions in the middle of wedding planning. This, of course, would result in them either never completing their sessions or rushing the process right before the wedding date. Because I believe newlyweds would greatly benefit from not only the support leading up to the wedding but also beyond the big day as they navigate through the first year, I created a self-directed system called The Marriage Success Blueprint™ program. Couples can access the 10-module online program any time, and in the comfort of their surroundings while exploring important topics like Love Languages, Values, Communication, Support Circle, etc in engaging video lessons led by Dr. Samora. The program also includes weekly live Q&A with Dr. Samora for those who wish to receive additional support. To get started and learn more about the program, please click The Marriage Success Blueprint™

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